WHO Poll

1307 5:46 Wed May 24
Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
First of all, he is my favourite player as he has the ability to do something special, but........we are still talking potential with him, aren't we?
He has shown potential the second half of the season but is far from the finished product.
This season he has not touched Payet of last season, has he?
Has he dominated a game like Payet, Alli, Courtinho, Rashford, Lukaku? Has he even influenced a game as much as Siguardson, Maguire, Walcott, Redmond, Defoe, Zaha, Vardy, Heaton?

Great potential but maybe we should lay off the hype and let him develop as we all can name players who show potential but never progress.

Hope Manu rips it up next season and starts to influence games like the above mentioned.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

El Scorchio 3:28 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
I see the mods are still letting him/them carry on winding up fellow WHO posters then.

Weird behaviour all round.

chedylan 2 2:17 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Surely there are decent players out there who will improve our first 11 who are :

Not looking for CL clubs only.

Are better than free transfers and fucking loan to buy rubbish.

Northern Sold 1:55 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
The problem with that Ched' is what can we offer these players that will propel us up the league ... we have no Europe... No Champs league... all these type of players you are talking about are already snapped up or being snapped up by teams that are currently in a position to offer them far more than we can at present... what we need is realistic targets... which is something we never did have last summer by the looks of it

chedylan 2 1:01 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
He's better than mid table already, so we need to improve the team to keep hold of him. Same goes for a few of our best players.

We cant expect them to want to stay at west ham in the medium term, unless we show real ambition NOW to improve our league position with serious investment.

It's do or die time daves

Northern Sold 11:44 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Not sure how everyone is going OTT about Lanzini... he's a decent player... could perhaps be better... probably the best we have now with payet going... but is he in anyone's top prem team?? of course he ain't...

JayeMPee 11:34 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
I think he is brilliant now, and has further potential. If we were to lose him or Antonio then I would not believe a word uttered by Sullivan et al.

Your question related to influencing games like etc etc, yes he has since his key goals, work ethic and assists have probably kept us up!

Hammers1993 11:34 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
If this guy is on a wind up or not, he makes valid points.

Dolittle 10:21 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Its part of the stars complex. Each (non top 5 team) team has to have a star (or two) for the pundits to concentrate on and make there job easier. (see Sigurdsssson, Clucas, King, Defoe etc )

Post Payet who could they turn to to sex-up the Hammers a bit? Lanzini - cool name.a bit like Mahrez last season, yep he'll do.

Willtell 9:03 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
In answer to the original post which, contrary to some comments is a decent one, yes I think they are a bit OTT. Lanzini would not stand out at Chelsea in the same way as he does at WH. He is our only really creative midfielder that also works hard so he stands out for us and we do need to improve the level of players around him.

Trevor B 8:50 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Next season? Not a chance. New contract on the way which i am sure he will sign, making him one of our highest paid players. If we don't progress next season, and he keeps improving, then we may find it hard to hold onto him after that though.

Gentile 8:43 Thu May 25
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Will most likely be at a top five club next season unfortunately.

1307 7:44 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Didn't Payet flourish last season with the same players around him?

Tomshardware 7:42 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Hate to say it but he'd flourish at somewhere like SPurs.

stoneman 7:41 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
He won't be joining Spurs 1307

1307 7:33 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
That's all I ask Taks, answer the post not the poster.
I implore everyone to play the post not the poster.

Takashi Miike 7:31 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
to answer your original question, no I don't think anyone's gone over the top about him. he's very talented, still improving and would flourish with some more talent round him and a decent fit striker ahead of him. now its all down to diddy Dave to bring in the players required. I have zero faith in him accomplishing that and think Lanzini will be gone by January

1307 7:27 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Mall, I have not abused anyone and have asked questions that are on my mind.
Do we want pages of happy chappy threads?

mallard 7:24 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
1307, just take a look back at the many new threads you create, with bizarre questions, and then maybe you can understand the hostility directed towards you.

1307 7:21 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
I said who I was when signing up, 1491 on another forum. End the guessing.

1307 7:20 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Leet, it is the unsubtle, route one way you are trying to bring a ban to people's attention.
Sorry to say but you lack the intelligence to play these games.

mallard 7:20 Wed May 24
Re: Is everyone going over the top regarding Lanzini?
Is he one of the Upton Park 'locals' ?

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